Let's do it together. Change our health, stress, anxiety, sleep, eating . . . what else is on your agenda for change?  Flexible start date on or before April 1 - 15thComplete the sign up form and press submit.  Look forward to hearing from…

Let's do it together. Change our health, stress, anxiety, sleep, eating . . . what else is on your agenda for change?  Flexible start date on or before April 1 - 15th

Complete the sign up form and press submit.  Look forward to hearing from you and you and you!

What is the next step?  Purchase a 1 month unlimited pass.  Complete your challenge to be eligible for prizes and a draw for a complimentary 1 month unlimited yoga pass.  All those who complete the Challenge will be eligible for the prizes and draw - 6 required to start.  Must begin between April 1 to 7th.   End by May 22, 2018 for the 5 classes/week for 6 weeks challenge.

2018 challenge1.jpg

Interested to experience a water only fast?  Complete entry form below to learn more

2018 Water-Fast-Week.jpg