testimonials about us
“Hannah, thank you for a super Bikram practice while I was traveling through Calgary a couple weeks ago. You were most welcoming, your studio is tasteful, and a perfectly designed place for Bikram practice. The location was also great. I appreciated your well led session, and your comments and advice were welcome and appreciated. I highly recommend Bikram Yoga Marda Loop. Looking forward to my next visit.” Dave K.
“My intro to yoga was a Bikram studio about 11 years ago. I loved it at it came at the perfect time. Years later having visited several other studios, classes and styles of yoga my path has brought me back to Bikram. This studio is great; staff and members are welcoming and kind, the studio itself is spacious, hot and clean. Teachers are lovely, encouraging, patient and great at their craft. It's great to be back at Bikram, little twinges and injuries have already started to fade too.
Happy Spine- HapPy LifE :)” -Ben
“Thank you to the amazing instructors at Marda Loop. I learn something new nearly every class. I am in the habit now of attending Bikram yoga 3 times a week. I have attended 80 classes within the past year and the more I come, the more I love it. I am 63 years old and can move around quite freely without the usually aches, pains and stiffness I see in others in my age range. I totally recommend Bikram yoga to everyone! (and an added benefit - I have lost 20 pounds since I started without changing my diet!)” Teddy
"The studio is lovely and all the instructors are wonderfully skilled, supportive and professional. I look forward to further evolving my practice at BYML" Bonnie
"I really enjoy being at the studio. I've made more friends at Marda Loop in 3 short months than I previously did in several years. You also have the best group of instructors that I have ever been with." Vicki
"the feeling upon entering byml is warm, welcoming, and healthy. good vibes surrounded me, as did community that radiated happiness and health. you know, the kind. the bikram kind. when you sweat that much, cleanliness is, as they say, next to godliness and the studio is well-maintained.the practice first changed my mind, then my heart, and now slowly my body. see for yourself." sabrina
please scroll down to write a testimonial or endorsement
“I realize now that I am capable of a 30 day challenge. I feel stronger and my clothes fit loose. I believe in this yoga, and the instructors & their wisdom. My sincere thanks to you all.”
Complete 30 classes in 30 days ( or your own personal challenge). Strengthen and tone inside and out with a consistent, daily practice. “Never too late, never too bad, never too old, never too sick to start from scratch all over again.” Bikram Choudhury
intermediate class
You can lock the knee, do toe stand pose, practice 4 times a week or more, and are 'hungry'' to deepen yoga practice then come enjoy a hot 90 mins class. You'll be challenged to do an intermediate posture/3rd set in this class
Testimonials con’t
"I love Bikram because it doesn't matter how long I've been away from it, but every time I come back, I get to spend 90 minutes with myself, 90 minutes of quiet time in an otherwise busy day where I can just be there in the studio, with a focus on me and what I'm doing. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing, because everyone else is also there to spend time with themselves. It's my chance to re-boot and rejuvenate." Mi Kim
"BYML is in a good location, very accessible, in-door parking; a lot of room in the class, always clean and great luminosity. The staff is super friendly and helpful. The class schedule is adapted to the lifestyle there, so you have many opportunities to practice several times a day. They also put together events to help you pursue your practice on another level. The community feeling helped me a lot especially when you are an expat. Also, Hannah Park was one of the best person I encountered during my stay. She was a great companion, an awesome teacher, and a good life-coach. I'm sure you will enjoy the class with her as much as I did!!" MFT
"For my Masters of Education in Adult Learning, I had to identify a site of adult learning in community and how that site incorporated elements of adult learning and community. BYML was the site I chose to write an analysis of adult learning and community. Thank you Hannah, and all the other instructors, for providing me with learning opportunities and a sense of belonging over the past five years!" Deirdre
"After losing a lot of weight I found I had hit a plateau and was becoming really discouraged with my path to a healthier lifestyle. My sisters had been telling me about Bikram for a while and how much they love the class. I decided I needed a push and after doing the introductory 2 week offer I decided to push myself and do the 30 day challenge. Not only did the challenge improve my overall fitness physically, mentally and emtionally, but it gave me the motivation, strength and positive outlook I need to keep bettering myself on a daily basis. I know I can do anything if I set my mind to it!" Tiffaney
"Bikram helped my lower back pain by strengthening my spine" Bre
"While the physical aspects of practicing Bikram Yoga have made me feel much stronger, the greatest benefit has been the mental and emotional aspects. Before starting Bikram Yoga, I experienced insomnia most of every night. Since attending classes, I often sleep through the night, or wake up just once and am able to return to sleep. My outlook and attitude has become very positive since attending Bikram Yoga." Bruce
" The 30 day challenge is changing my life." Graham
"I started yoga because I was doing a lot of weightlifting and I was always stiff and sore when I played basketball because I never stretched after my workouts. Once I started Bikram yoga, my vertical increased, I got faster, and I was able to lift heavier weights due to the breathing & strengthening exercises in class, plus I was stretching properly which helped me gain muscle mass. The yoga also helps me to recover faster after a work out because of the amount of blood flow to the muscle group, it also cleanses out my joints which has helped prevent injury. When I ruptured my ACL in my knee yoga helped clean out the knee and gain full range of motion. I made a full recovery and was playing basketball 6 months after surgery. I can now squat and dead lift over 300 pounds and I've managed to gain the muscles back in my leg!" Daniel
"I was just thinking about the meditation session and again, I found it so fitting. When asked what I would say/do/be...it was an almost immediate response to be kind and love and accept myself as freely as I do others. Something I continually work. What a great thing to meditate on. Thank you for this." Nina
"My shoulder & arm pain has improved after only 4 classes. I no longer need physiotherapy." JJ
"The breathing exercises have improved my poise in front of an audience at work; which communicates confidence and authority. Coincidentally, I lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks of consecutive yoga classes." Sam
"I mean it - I love the class - the teachers are inspirational. I feel better physically and mentally when I can force myself to come. Sometimes the classes are still really hard, but I have had a few relaxing ones. My knees are way better than they were when I started. I am a convert for sure." Shelley
"When I can't fall asleep I do the dialogue in my head and visualize myself doing the asanas. By eagle pose I'm usually back asleep! Also, visualizing myself doing the postures improves my postures." Carmen
"I tried Bikram Yoga because I was experiencing pain in my hips and knees. I have been a competitive athlete most of my life and had found myself at a stage where I was experiencing pain simply in my day-to-day living. The results of practicing yoga 3x/week have surpassed my expectations. Not only has my joint pain disappeared, I have benefited in ways I couldn't have imagined. Most notably, the lengthening of my torso and strengthening of my core has made a difference in my daily living. I've been practicing yoga for a year and a half and can't imagine life without it!" Trish
"Practicing Bikram Yoga makes me feel better than anything else I have done in my entire life. The best part is that calm, clear, happy feeling after class. After many classes, I also enjoy greater flexibility and mental focus." Marla
"The Yoga Therapy for Spine & Mind class has improved circulation & feeling to my hip, and my injured leg feels so much better after only 2 sessions. My body feels lighter and more flexible. Good work Hannah!" Roberta
"I ran a half marathon after not much preparation. I was tired, in pain, and increasingly stiff as the day progressed. My mobility became almost non-existent and my back pain was kicking in. My walking style was similar to that of a penguin. I was very reluctant to go to yoga that evening – after all, I couldn’t really move, let alone stretch. However, I did go and it wasn’t a walk in the park for me to go through this session. I thought holding Shoelace or Baby Dragon poses for 4 minutes would increase the considerable pain I already had. The pain was there during most of the session, and I was having not so nice thoughts about Hannah. I was hoping that at some point she would let go and say ‘Let’s do Shavasana for 15 minutes’ and let me rest a bit. Thankfully she didn’t say such a thing; and to my surprise, after “Yoga Therapy for Spine & Mind” session my body fully recovered. I slept like a baby (not Baby Dragon, but a human one)." Denis
"Thanks for providing me with a space to take care of myself. No matter how frequently I attend, or how long my absence has been, I always feel like I am being welcomed back with a great deal of support and lots of smiles. You and your team have created a wonderful, safe environment that I continue to return to, to mend and grow - thank you for this!" Jennifer
"I had been a casual attendee of Bikram Yoga for several years when I suffered a back and hip injury in a car accident. Although my injury had partially resolved with treatments, I was concerned about returning to the rigours of the Bikram classes, so I registered for Hannah's 4 week Yoga for Spine and Mind. The small class atmosphere and individual focus not only helped to improve my hip pain significantly, it left me with other benefits: the knowledge I can stretch my hip out on my own when it gets tight (I have a love-hate relationship with flying dragon), AND I have successfully returned to the regular BIkram classes, after almost 2 years away! Hannah's teachings and encouragement helped me get where I was meant to be. Thank you Hannah!" Tara
Use this blog to engage with our community during 30 day challenges, personal challenges, or for sharing/inspiring one another
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Take care of the most important and interesting person in your life - YOU. You are your guru and best teacher. As a community of practitioners, we come together as often as we can to practice the 26 postures & 2 breathing exercises.
We are privileged and inspired by the passion for yoga that is exuded from those whom we serve, and blessed from the life relationships that have developed
what is bikram yoga?
Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class is based on a series of 26 beginning asana, or postures, designed to scientifically warm and stretch muscles, ligaments and tendons in a specific order. Bikram Yoga systematically moves fresh, oxygenated blood to one hundred percent of your body, to each organ and fiber, restoring all systems to healthy working order.
Proper weight, muscle tone, vibrant good health, and a sense of well being will automatically follow. Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class has proven to be a uniquely therapeutic form of yoga
what is a bikram yoga class like?
Each class is a 90 minute dialogue-driven class instructed by a certified Bikram Yoga teacher.
Each yoga posture is repeated twice as we listen to the instructions (dialogue) and concentrate on doing what we hear. Each class is a new experience and a neurological event.
Everyone advances as their own rate. With consistency of practice, benefits of Bikram yoga include weight loss, improved muscle tone, stress reduction, improved mental and emotional balance, improved flexibility, stronger & flexible spine, improved performance in other sports/activities. Kindly see the Testimonials below.
Bikram Yoga is a practice of mindful/disciplined movement. Over time, skills of concentration, determination, patience, faith and self-control are developed as one learns to hold still and breath normal
come on in! a consistent, frequent yoga practice can Begin anytime
Drop in for a class and an experience you’ll never forget. Renew your health and vitality. Classes are hot, sweaty, challenging, non-dogmatic, and accessible to students of all levels
The science behind Bikram Yoga = Healthy body, healthy mind
Click on link for video about physiological benefits of Bikram Yoga
The American Council on Exercise (ACE), known as "America’s Workout Watchdog", commissioned an independent study from researchers at the University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse to evaluate the physiological responses associated with participating in a Bikram yoga class.
******** click for Bikram Yoga Study - YouTube ********